EVIL IN ANNOUNCEMENT The Universal Kingdom of God Has Arrived in Serbia From Brazil A Dangerous Sect Offers Healing to Serbs

The news that the Universal Kingdom of God, that is, an association of citizens that offers a cure for anything and everything, propagates well-being and suicide as a legitimate way to solve life's problems, has recently appeared in the center of the Serbian capital, disturbed the public This sect comes from Brazil and is registered in Obrenovac in Serbia.
Nevertheless, they opened the first "office" in Bulevar Kralja Aleksandra in Belgrade They are also registered with the Agency for Business Registers, their legal representative is Brazilian Arnod Junior Brazil Costa, residing in Belgrade, Zvezdara municipality.
Founder Brazilian from the Forbes list How is it for Alo! explained the journalist and writer who has been studying the work of sects for years, Simonida Milojković, the founder of the United Kingdom of God in Brazil is one of the richest people in the world Photo: print screen - His name is on the Forbes list.
The United Kingdom of God is a pseudo-Christian sect with elements of Jehovah's Witnesses, Sabbatarians and all other cults, and it has everything from human trafficking to the occult, black magic to Satanism They are very destructive, and the most dangerous thing is that they propagate suicide - said Simonida, and added that leaders who bathe in money demand asceticism from their supporters.
- They have millions of members worldwide For example, they own a large, luxurious building in London - stated our interlocutor, and warned everyone to beware of this sect.
- Behind every sect is a team of psychologists, sociologists, and IT experts, and when they set their sights on someone, the chances of them resisting them are minimal Every person has a weak point and they are masters at finding it - Simonida pointed out, and added that, as with most other religious organizations of this type, it is about enriching individuals.
- Ron Hubbard, the founder of Scientology, long ago admitted that if you want to earn a million dollars, start a church, that is, a sect I sincerely hope that the prosecutor's office, which took an interest in the work of this sect, will also investigate all the others that have multiplied in Serbia - said Simonida.
Blackmail, Accusations, Punishments As stated on one of the most popular internet encyclopedias, Wikipedia, the Universal Kingdom of God (UCCG) is an evangelical church based in Solomon's Temple in Sao Paulo, Brazil It was founded by Bishop Edir Macedo in 1977 in Rio de Janeiro, in a former funeral home.
In 1989, Makedo became the owner of the multimillion-dollar company "Record TV" A decade later, the UCKG had eight million members in Brazil and became a "commercial church", spreading around the world (Great Britain, Africa, India, America).
Already in 2013, he had more than 12 million followers Photo: wikipedia In 2017, the UCKG faced accusations of adopting children in Portugal and illegally taking them abroad, illegal activities and cult-like corruption, including money laundering, quackery, witchcraft, as well as intolerance towards other religions.
There were also accusations that the church was extracting money from poor members for the benefit of its leaders However, the most gruesome fact is that in 2000, one of her priests in London organized an exorcism that resulted in the death of a child and the conviction of his guardians for murder.
The first basic public prosecution in Belgrade ordered the collection of data on the work of the United Kingdom of God It also sent a request to collect the necessary information to the Department of the Ministry of Interior for Public Order and Peace, in order to determine whether there are grounds for suspicion that a criminal offense has been committed that is being prosecuted ex officio.
The Prosecutor's Office appealed to citizens who feel that they have been harmed by the activities of the Universal Kingdom of God Association, as well as similar organizations or individuals, to report their case to the police or prosecutor's office In Belgium, an official investigation was conducted against the UCKG due to accusations of quackery.
The media in the United States of America, Great Britain, Brazil and Zambia reported on numerous accusations of abuses by this church In August 2012, a man had an epileptic seizure during a UCKG service in Sao Paulo.
When he went to the back of the temple to take medicine, the UCKG pastors allegedly attacked and punched him, saying he was "possessed by the spirits of darkness " The church was ordered to pay $10,000 in restitution; she filed a complaint, but the judgment was confirmed by the Court of Justice in Sao Paulo.
In December 2012, a court in Lajeade ordered UCKG to pay $20,000 in compensation for forcing the businesswoman and her partner to make donations they could not afford The couple was in financial difficulties and were led to believe that the blessings of UCKG would help them.
The judge found that the donations (car, jewelry, home appliances, cell phone and printer) were requested to prove faith This couple and other followers were told that the more they give to UCKG, the more Jesus will give them in return.
The couple was in financial difficulties and were led to believe that the blessings of UCKG would help them The judge found that the donations (car, jewelry, home appliances, cell phone and printer) were requested to prove faith.
This couple and other followers were told that the more they give to UCKG, the more Jesus will give them in return The couple was in financial difficulties and were led to believe that the blessings of UCKG would help them.
The judge found that the donations (car, jewelry, home appliances, cell phone and printer) were requested to prove faith This couple and other followers were told that the more they give to UCKG, the more Jesus will give them in return.
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