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Alert! The content in e-cigarettes can cause side effects

e-cigarette cartridges typically

E-cigarette use and popularity have increased dramatically since they first appeared on the market in the early 2000s, particularly among teenagers and young adults. Despite the fact that purchasing tobacco for those under the age of 18 is prohibited, more than 40% of Indonesian students between the ages of 13 and 15 have used tobacco products.

According to the 2019 Global Youth Tobacco Survey, this is the case. The use of electric cigarettes or vapes, which are popular among young people, is currently raising concerns in the medical community, according to Indonesian lung specialist Dr. Erlina Burhan.

"Right now, the prevalence of e-cigarettes is a cause for concern. At 37.90 percent of the total population, or 53.7 million people, Indonesia now has the 13th-highest percentage of smokers in the world, according to Erlina, who spoke at a virtual press conference.

Saturday, April 14th. According to Erlina, e-cigarette cartridges typically contain the following ingredients: - Cartridge (e-liquid) Generally mixed: Nicotine Propylene glycol Glyserin Flavoring - The nicotine content in the cartridge varies depending on the product and ranges from 14 point 8 to 87 . 2 mg / ml in liquid FDA analysis: 26 point 8 to 43 point 2 ug / 100 ml puff.

Additionally, there is nicotine and other ingredients. Erlina stated that E-cigarettes contain 0-35 ug nicotine per puff, and that the amount of nicotine can reach 1 mg when inhaled 30 times, which is the same amount of nicotine delivered by 1 conventional cigarette. In the meantime, there is a difference between the nicotine content of the cartridge and the aerosol in terms of quantity.

Aldehydes are also present in some flavoring liquids, including anisaldehyde (sweet), cinnamaldehyde (cinnamon), and isovaleraldehyde (nutty). Listen to the following explanation to learn about the negative effects of using electric cigarettes in addition to the one just given.

Side Effects Smokers are divided over the use of electric cigarettes. Numerous studies have demonstrated the smoking-cessation benefits of e-cigarettes, and there are numerous arguments to support their safety over traditional cigarettes.

Because there haven't been many studies looking at the effects of e-cigarette use over a long period of time, it is impossible to know whether or not this claim is accurate. Because of this, you must exercise caution if you decide to switch to these cigarettes as a smoking cessation method.

E-cigarettes' negative effects may not always be less severe than those of conventional cigarettes. Among the effects of using electric cigarettes, you should be aware of the following: 1.

increases the risk of diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease. The majority of the liquids used in electric cigarettes contain nicotine. Increased blood pressure and heart rate, as well as an increased risk of developing insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease, are some conditions that can develop as a result of prolonged nicotine use.

2. Cancer risk is increased Some brands of liquid for electric cigarettes contain formaldehyde, which can lead to the disease.

Additionally, when heated, some of this liquid's primary components, including glycerol and propylene glycol, can also transform into formaldehyde. Because of this, using electric cigarettes is thought to raise your risk of getting cancer, including lung cancer.

3. A dangerous substance called diacetyl is the source of the enticing aroma that is released by e-cigarettes, which raises the risk of lung damage.

This substance, when inhaled, can lead to bronchiolitis obliterans (popcorn lung), which is characterized by lung damage and inflammation. When the bronchioles, the tiniest airways in the lungs, are permanently damaged, it is known as bronchiolitis obliterans, a rare lung disease.

4. decreases children's memory.

Among teenagers and young adults, e-cigarettes are very common. The nicotine in e-cigarettes can make teenagers more active, according to a number of studies that have been conducted so far.

This nicotine content, though, can impair memory and focus if used over an extended period of time. particularly if the user of an e-cigarette also smokes regular cigarettes, drinks alcohol, or uses drugs.

5. Addiction can result from using electric cigarettes is another negative side effect that can happen.

When an individual stops using an e-cigarette, they may experience nicotine withdrawal symptoms, which include stress, irritability, anxiety, and trouble sleeping. A number of reports claim that an electric cigarette's device can catch fire or even explode if the battery gets too hot, which is another risk that should be taken seriously.

Because it contains fewer irritants and toxic substances than traditional tobacco smoke, e-cigarette smoke is thought to be safer for people who do not smoke. Electric cigarette smoke can nevertheless irritate the eyes, lead to cold coughs, cause shortness of breath, and make you feel faint.

people close to him when they breathe it in. Since the side effects of electric cigarettes are still unknown with certainty, you should be on the lookout for them because they could be worse than those of traditional cigarettes.

However, quitting altogether is undoubtedly preferable.

In the meantime, there is a difference between the nicotine content of the cartridge and the aerosol in terms of quantity.

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