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BPIP Synergy Embraces Pancasila Achievement Icons Ground Pancasila

fx mudji sutrisno

KA Tajuddin, SH, who serves as the Deputy for Law, Advocacy, and Regulatory Oversight for the Pancasila Ideology Development Agency (BPIP). , MH.

On Saturday, January 14, 2023, in Jakarta, there was a discussion on the coordination of advocacy for the development of the Pancasila ideology with Pancasila achievement icons for 2021. The discussion's theme was "Together Grounding Pancasila.". The Deputy for Legal, Advocacy and Regulatory Oversight, KA Tajuddin, SH, MH, was present at the event.

Antonius Benny Susetyo's special staff works for the steering committee's chairman. Additionally, the icon for the 2021 Pancasila Achievement is visible, and it features the Inspector General of Police (Purn), Dr. Benny Jozua Mamoto, SH, M.Sc.

, Prof. The professor Dr. FX Mudji Sutrisno.

Dr. Engineer Agus Haryono, Pdt.

Dr. Henriette Tabita Hutabarat Lebang, MA, Bhikku Dhammasubho, Heni Sri Sundani Jalarada, BSEM, Puspa Arumsari, Iwenk (Diversity Community), Pujiono, Ryan Sucipto, ICRP (Indonesian Conference On Religion and Peace), and Humanity First are just a few of the organizations that support this cause. KA Tajuddin expressed his concern for the current state of the Indonesian country, where in recent years following the reformation, the institution responsible for promoting Pancasila values has suffered significant losses.

"Now that we can see it, society no longer places a high value on respect and decency. In the family itself, there is a rift in the sense of kinship; parents and kids put demands on one another, and there have even been murders, according to Tajuddin.

In social interactions as well, he claimed, "we are no longer assisting when there is an accident or conflict, but rather, we are busy recording the incident to make it into content.". Read more here: BPIP, Menkopolhukam, and the Governor of East Java Gotong Royong Hold a National Dialogue Tajuddin discussed a number of programs that BPIP is putting into place or will be putting into place in response to the challenges of changing behavior.

"Paskibraka is being guided and given Pancasila values, as well as being provided with books of Pancasila teaching materials and courses, as well as studies to ensure that existing regulations are in accordance with Pancasila values. These are just a few of the things we did and things we accomplished," he said.

Tajuddin additionally extended an invitation to Pancasila Achievement Icons to lead the way in promoting Pancasila values through current discourse and behavior in society. "Let's cooperate and work to firmly establish Pancasila values in accordance with each portion.

It's helpful to have one of any size. For the establishing of Pancasila, it can begin with material for straightforward young people.

The existence of the Pancasila Achievement Icon, according to Benny, Special Staff to the Chair of the Steering Committee, may be the solution for BPIP's failure to include the entirety of the Indonesian populace. According to him, "BPIP can create profile videos about Pancasila icons, so that people are aware that there are many role models for Pancasila grounding in Indonesia.".

BPIP can cooperate with Pancasila Icons, according to the political communication specialist, in order for Pancasila grounding communication to be effective. "They have a base, they are known to the public.

Through them too, we can learn and strategize how the values ​​of Pancasila are proven concretely by the roles of icons," he added. " Opinions and input from icons can also become the basis for BPIP for a strategy for how to communicate the development of Pancasila values.

This should be a note for BPIP and in this discussion, that we are seeking together to ground Pancasila," he concluded. The 2021 Pancasila Achievement Icons also shared many opinions and ideas regarding the application of the grounding of Pancasila values, starting from providing education to families and students at school about the practice of Pancasila values ​​to the wider community and society.

As said by one of the recipients of the Pancasila Achievement Icon award who is also a humanist, Prof. Dr. fx mudji sutrisno SJ, said it is necessary there is strategic mapping in the grounding of Pancasila.

"We need a strategic mapping for the grounding of Pancasila values, this can be done with contemporary approaches as said by the ladies and gentlemen of the award recipients, namely through approaches to culture, art, music, sports and so on," he said. This was emphasized by the moderator in the focused discussion this time, Ngatawi Al-Zastrouw, a humanist who is also the Head of Art Makara UI.

"Pancasila was born from our own behavior, and was explored by Bung Karno, to become Pancasila. This is what we must remember," said Ngatawi.

In the end, BPIP and the Pancasila Achievement Icon in 2021 stated that they would continue to work together, synergize in the grounding of Pancasila values ​​through education and family values ​​throughout Indonesian society. (RO/OL-09).

this can be done with contemporary approaches as said by the ladies and gentlemen of the award recipients, namely through approaches to culture, art, music, sports and so on, "he said. This was emphasized by the moderator in the focused discussion this time, Ngatawi Al-Zastrouw, a humanist who is also the Head of Art Makara UI.

"Pancasila was born from our own behavior, and was explored by Bung Karno, to become Pancasila. This is what we must remember," said Ngatawi.

In the end, BPIP and the Pancasila Achievement Icon in 2021 stated that they would continue to work together, synergize in the grounding of Pancasila values ​​through education and family values ​​throughout Indonesian society. (RO/OL-09).

this can be done with contemporary approaches as said by the ladies and gentlemen of the award recipients, namely through approaches to culture, art, music, sports and so on, "he said. This was emphasized by the moderator in the focused discussion this time, Ngatawi Al-Zastrouw, a humanist who is also the Head of Art Makara UI.

"Pancasila was born from our own behavior, and was explored by Bung Karno, to become Pancasila. This is what we must remember," said Ngatawi.

In the end, BPIP and the Pancasila Achievement Icon in 2021 stated that they would continue to work together, synergize in the grounding of Pancasila values ​​through education and family values ​​throughout Indonesian society. (RO/OL-09).

namely through the approach of culture, art, music, sports and so on, “he said. This was emphasized by the moderator in the focused discussion this time, Ngatawi Al-Zastrouw, a humanist who is also the Head of Art Makara UI.

"Pancasila was born from our own behavior, and was explored by Bung Karno, to become Pancasila. This is what we must remember," said Ngatawi.

In the end, BPIP and the Pancasila Achievement Icon in 2021 stated that they would continue to work together, synergize in the grounding of Pancasila values ​​through education and family values ​​throughout Indonesian society. (RO/OL-09).

namely through the approach of culture, art, music, sports and so on, “he said. This was emphasized by the moderator in the focused discussion this time, Ngatawi Al-Zastrouw, a humanist who is also the Head of Art Makara UI.

"Pancasila was born from our own behavior, and was explored by Bung Karno, to become Pancasila. This is what we must remember," said Ngatawi.

In the end, BPIP and the Pancasila Achievement Icon in 2021 stated that they would continue to work together, synergize in the grounding of Pancasila values ​​through education and family values ​​throughout Indonesian society. (RO/OL-09).

Pancasila was born from our own behavior, and was explored by Bung Karno, to become Pancasila. This is what we have to remember," said Ngatawi.

In the end, BPIP and the Pancasila Achievement Icon in 2021 stated that they would continue to work together, synergize in the grounding of Pancasila values ​​through education and family values ​​throughout Indonesian society. (RO/OL-09 ).

Pancasila was born from our own behavior, and was explored by Bung Karno, to become Pancasila. This is what we have to remember," said Ngatawi.

In the end, BPIP and the Pancasila Achievement Icon in 2021 stated that they would continue to work together, synergize in the grounding of Pancasila values ​​through education and family values ​​throughout Indonesian society. (RO/OL-09 ).

The 2021 Pancasila Achievement Icons also shared many opinions and ideas regarding the application of the grounding of Pancasila values, starting from providing education to families and students at school about the practice of Pancasila values ​​to the wider community and society.

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